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Our Girl in Havana: Salsa on the streets of Baracoa

 I arrived to dancing in the streets. There was an all-women conga line proceeding down the dusty road, circling back on itself and returning to the small hall where it had started, a bottom-shaking, whooping caterpillar. As they wound past me - sweating under the weight of my rucksack - they beckoned me to join in. With just a moment’s thought, I threw down my bags and joined the party. That set the tone for my entire experience in Baracoa.



Our Girl in Havana: The Antiques of Trinidad

‘Antique’ doesn’t have quite the same significance in Cuba. There is an abundance of antiquity in this country for many reasons, but certainly years of economic hardship and trade constraints contributed to a make-do-and-mend culture that has kept everyday items in circulation longer than in other places. Fifty-year-old American Buicks are passed down through generations patched up with Chinese parts and perfectly preserved dinner sets from the 1800s are still in daily use.



An afternoon in Cienfuegos

After visiting the quaint little colonial town of Trinidad, we were all excited to get back to Havana for one more night of fun exploring Cuba’s capital.  Little did we expect to be bowled over by the bustling city of Cienfuegos.  In contrast to Trinidad’s picturesque cobblestone streets and vibrantly colored houses, Cienfuegos provided a completely different look into Cuba that, despite being quite far from the capital, felt incredibly cosmopolitan.  The roads leading up to the Jose Marti plaza were lively arteries filled with st



A Visit to Las Terrazas

Located in Pinar del Rio, in the Sierra del Rosario mountain range, Las Terrazas is a community that was built in the late 1960’s, as part of a plan to restore an area devastated by 19th century French coffee plantations and heavy deforestation.



The Writing on the Wall: Street Art in Cuba

All across Cuba, change is in the air. Whether it be the change that accompanies Fidel Castro handing control of the government over to Raul (after nearly 50 years in power), the appearance of small privately run businesses and entrepreneurship, increased tourism from around the world in places like Varadero, or foreign investment, there exists a perfect window of opportunity to experience Cuba as it transitions from a history in isolation from Americans to a future that welcomes them as never before.



The Korimacao Culture Group

I’ve been fortunate enough to experience a lot of the world through travel and working overseas. Having lived in China for 4 years, I know that my friends in the ultramodern city of Shanghai have completely different life experiences than those of the rural students I taught in Hunan province; or the monks and nuns I dined with over a fire in the frozen mountains of Gansu province.
